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ThermCam-80 Fixed Thermal Camera

ThermCam-80 Fixed Thermal Camera

To order or enquire about this product, please contact us by clicking on "Enquire now" below, or call 1300 737 976. You can also view see above for datasheets/brochures for more information.ENQUIRE NOW




Currently industries are using spot temperature pyrometers to measure temperature of a critical points. ThermCAM-80 can replace such pyrometers with better area coverage and will also give individual pixel temperature. Also, ThermCAM-80 has an advantage of showing the thermal image which makes it more suitable for continuous monitoring of critical assets. High resolution, like 640×480 pixels is not always needed in industrial applications. Sometimes we just need to identify faults. So ThermCAM-80, 80×80 pixels, is the most economical solution. ThermCAM-80 Thermal imaging camera offers a broad range of applications across several different industries.

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