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Here you can find documents including certificates, catalogues and relevant information on Pyrosales’ company and products. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Pyrosales Catalogue

View Pyrosales’ Product Catalogue to get an overview of what we supply.

Cable Colour Chart

View the Cable Colour Chart which identifies the various cables used in temperature.

ANZEX Certificate Of Conformity

TRX and TRY Intrinsically Safe ANZEx TestSafe.

Quality Assurance Certificate

Pyrosales adheres to the ISO 9001:2015 management systems and guidelines.

Pyrosales Quality Policy

The 3C Certificate, or “CCC” (also called China CCC Certification) is a
mandatory product certification system with the aim protecting consumer’s
security through the supervision of products concerning health, hygiene,
security, environment, and anti-fraud.

Only after complete certification products can be imported into China and sold
in the Chinese market. If a product is included in the designated certification
catalogue, it must obtain a CCC certificate to be imported and sold in China.