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Australia has a long history of aerospace manufacturing, and continues to provide world-class innovative products and services to the domestic and global aerospace sector. With capabilities ranging from the production of specialised components to full maintenance, repair and overhaul services, the Australian aerospace industry is particularly well-positioned to supply the Asia-Pacific region–a forecasted major aviation growth region.

Pyrosales has been supplying companies involved in supporting the aerospace industry for many years. Probe temperature sensors and specialised temperature probes, are used in heat treatment furnaces and in test cells, which are used to monitor and test the performance of engines.

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The supply of equipment is highly regulated in commercial aircraft. Pyrosales primarily supply the maintenance and repair areas. We apply our extensive knowledge in temperature systems to supply companies with probe temperature sensors and other monitoring equipment that will maintain their fleet to the level of safety for which Australia has become recognised.

The production process of many specialised components requires heat treatment to predetermined values. Pyrosales are actively involved in the design and supply of thermocouples that provide the information required by the users of these components. Our in-depth knowledge of the use of probes in vacuum furnaces and curing ovens is highly advantageous when designing thermocouples for the aerospace industry.

Custom Designed Instruments

Pyrosales aerospace equipment is designed and manufactured to suit a specific purpose. We have worked closely with our customers to develop custom solutions in probe temperature sensors and mother monitoring equipment. Our highly skilled designers and engineers excel when presented with a challenge to produce custom-made instruments.

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