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Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)

rtdResistance Temperature Detectors, also known as RTDs and resistance thermometers, are temperature-sensing devices that change resistance at a predetermined rate in response to changes in temperature. They are circuit elements whose resistance increases with increasing temperature in a predictable manner.

Pyrosales’ RTDs are specially designed to ensure precise and repeatable temperature versus resistance characteristics. The sensors are constructed in a unique strain-free manner and use only high quality RTD elements. Ceramic, wire-wound elements, or flat film technology elements are used as per customer’s requirements to ensure the most suitable specification is supplied.

The main advantages of our RTDs include: 

  • High accuracy/precise measurement
  • High signal-to-noise output, which increases the accuracy of data transmission and permits greater distances between the sensor and the measuring equipment
  • Physical and chemical stability over a wide temperature range
  • Standardisation (elements are available to meet, or exceed, the requirements of various standardisation agencies)
  • Wide temperature operating range
  • High temperature operating range
  • Linear over a wide operating range
  • Interchangeability over a wide range
  • Repeatability, even after long exposure to temperatures within the operating range

Contact our experienced sales team for assistance in finding the right sensor for your application.