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Bluescope Steel profile

bluescopeBluescope Steel is the major producer of steel in Australia. As with many industries, the Global Financial Crisis had a damaging effect on the company. In 2011 they were forced to implement cutbacks due to the high value of the Australian dollar’s effect on their viability.

Having just completed a major blast furnace re-line on No 5 blast furnace, Bluescope Steel was faced with the decision to recoup its investment and to shut down the much newer No 6 blast furnace.

Pyrosales has always had a close working relationship with all the divisions and process areas at Bluescope Steel. When it became evident that there was a concerted effort from all of the process areas to develop ways to ensure it could maintain a viable production against the influx of cheaper imports, Pyrosales investigated and advised on ways of achieving increased efficiency in the different areas of the steelmaking processes.

Pyrosales were pleased to be able to assist Bluescope Steel, by using our extensive experience in all areas of high-temperature applications to design and produce special temperature sensors to assist in improving the operation of the steelmaking processes, and thereby improving the maintainability of installations.

As with Bluescope Steel, if you have a difficult application and are looking for a properly engineered solution to solve your problems, Pyrosales has the experience and resources to provide that unique solution. Contact us on 1300 737 976 or email