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Sydney IICA Technology Expo on Wednesday,30th October 2019 at Rosehill Racecourse.

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Pyrosales will be attending the Sydney IICA Technology Expo on Wednesday, 30th of October 2019 at  Rosehill Racecourse . We would love to see you there.

John Shanahan Suncorp Award imageJohn Shanahan our CEO accompanied by Evance Monteiro our company representative will be attending the exhibition. Come and visit our booth, learn about our new products and talk Technical issues and Temperature Solution for your businesses.  Here at Pyrosales we hope to create a productive working relationship with you. We are sure we will be able to assist you with the best pricing, the best service and a staff with a range of knowledge to meet your needs in temperature solutions.

Evance 1 imageEvance Monteiro will also be making personal visits to many of our clients in the area. If you are unable to make the show and you would like a site visit please contact us to arrange a suitable time for an appointment on 1300 737 976. We will be showcasing a large range of our products, including Thermocouples, RTDs, Testo Thermal Imaging cameras, RKC controllers, MICC Fire Survival cable and more.

Date :Wednesday, 30th of October 2019
Time: 2:00pm – 6:00pm Venue: Rosehill Racecourse, James Ruse Drive Rosehill 2142.