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Profile: John Shanahan

john shanahanPrior to joining Pyrosales, John was employed as an Instrument/Electrical Engineer at ICI at Botany. He was involved in 2 new plant commissioning projects which provided an excellent grounding in process control and electrical requirements for major process plants.  

John moved onto Kilpatrick Green as a Design Engineer. His firsthand knowledge of the inner workings of process plants was put into practice in the design role.  

Pyrosales has provided new and enjoyable challenges for John. “I enjoy the challenge of providing a working solution for a difficult application. There is nothing better than using all your knowledge to solve something, especially where it is a new application or a customer is trying to optimise a process that has previously been ‘too hard’”. In his spare time John enjoys playing golf but a few medical setbacks in the past 5 years have limited his ability to enjoy the sport. Hopefully with 2 new knees, we will see John back on the course in the near future.