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How to manufacture a thermocouple

The manufacturing of a thermocouple is a process that can be easy or difficult depending on the specification and application where the thermocouple is intended to be used.

thermocouple transparent imageTemperature is one of the most important units of measurement that industries monitor. It is extremely imperative that temperature be as accurate as possible. If it is not managed correctly it can result in poorer quality items. A thermocouple is a commonly used sensor for measuring temperature.


Wire and Cable Blog pic imageThe wire and cable for thermocouples and temperature sensors are a vital part of the construction, as they complete the circuit between the thermocouple and the RTD controller. Essentially, this is what carries the signal from the thermocouple to the RTD which converts the temperature into an accurate reading. The outer insulation around the thermocouple wires as well as some single conductors are colour coded for easy identification.

Pyrosales offer a wide selection of thermocouple wire and cable, to cater to a wide range of applications and temperature ranges. Choosing from Synthetic, Tape, fiberglass, PTFE and PVC.

Money solution image A basic thermocouple is manufactured by striping thermocouple wire which consists of a pair of wires, strip away the insulation and  shielding and trim the bare wire, twist the striped bare wires together trim the two ends. Solder wires together ensuring they maintain good contact. Insulate the exposed thermocouple wires with heat-shrink tubing. Be sure that the tubing completely covers the bare twisted ends of the wires. Other accessories can be attached as a plug which is then connected to a device so temperature readings can be monitored.

Difficult thermocouples require specialised manufacturing, contact Pyrosales to manufacture with supplying the specification, dimension and application in which the thermocouple will be used in.

RTDPT100 imageThermocouples are used in a wide range of industries, and Pyrosales have an information guide to help you determine the most suitable product for your processes. The following details are a brief introduction to the types and uses of thermocouples.

Type B: Used extensively in the steel and iron industry to monitor temperatures and chemistry throughout the steel making process.

Type C: Widely used in space vehicles, nuclear reactors, industrial heating, or wherever extremely high temperatures may be present. Also used in high-pressure research. Well suited for vacuum furnaces at extremely high temperatures.

Type E: Used in sub-zero, oxidising or inert applications. Ideal for cryogenic, pharmaceutical, and chemical applications where critical measurements are required in small increments.

Type J: Recommended for vacuum, inert, and reducing atmospheres. The thermocouple can be used exposed or unexposed.

Type K: Used for measurements in many different types of environments such as water, mild chemical solutions, gases, and dry area. Found in engines, oil heaters, and boilers. Used as thermometers in hospitals and the food industry.

Type N: Has outstanding thermoelectric stability. Can be used in vacuum or controlled atmospheres. Developed to replace type K in nuclear applications.

Type R and Type S: Heat treating and control sensors, semiconductor industry, glass manufacturing, ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Type T: Used in food monitoring and environmental applications.

If you require more information please contact us on 1300 737 976.