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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stage 4 Restriction Victoria Update from Pyrosales

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stage 4 Restriction Victoria Update from Pyrosales.

Bob at work Desk scaled imageAt Pyrosales we value the safety and well being of our employees, customers, and suppliers. Currently, we are actively monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Stage 4 situation in our Victoria Branch and we are implementing our business Covid Safe Plans to keep our employees and factories safe. All Pyrosales Branches will remain open supplying essential services with the products they require.

We are adopting the guidelines issued by the government and the Department of Health. We have also implemented measures to reduce the potential risks associated with this virus.

These are uncertain times for all of us, however with strict adherence to the guidelines presented we see no reason for there to be any impact on our ability to provide you with our normal, high level of customer service.

As always, thank you for continued support and trust as we manage through this difficult time together.

This has been no year like any other. Starting with the bush fires that ravaged the country. Then floods in February and a global pandemic that we haven’t experienced in over 100 years.

Covid-19 has changed the way we do things and has had an indelible effect on the way we conduct or business, both from a work sense as well as having to ensure that we can maintain the supply of materials required for production.

Pyrosales has been essentially unaffected by the Covid-19 Pandemic, however, we are seeing around the world, even in countries that have seemed to have weathered the first wave of the pandemic, that due to the highly contagious nature of the virus we are highly susceptible to even worse effects in a second wave, as we are seeing now in Victoria.

We have had to reassess a number of areas of our supply chain and although largely unaffected, we have conducted a number of risk assessments to develop contingency plans to ensure that we can maintain our ability to supply your needs.

As the uncertainty of the next six months is still ever-present, we are more than happy to work with you to forecast your requirements and put orders into the system to ensure that we have material available and finished goods available to meet your projected requirements.

Pyrosales remains your partner in surviving what has been a year that we will long remember.

Call us now to discuss how we can assist.