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Continuous Level Transducer 4-20/20-4mA

Continuous level transducerPyrosales is an Australian manufacturer of level probes that can be designed to suit your application: single/multipoint switching, or continuous 4-20mA level transmission.

Robust construction, utilising 316 stainless steel floats and tube assemblies, ensures they offer a long-lasting and reliable solution to your level requirements, from alarming to continuous level control.

With temperature ratings up to 120°C, and pressure ratings up to 21000kpa, the probes are suitable for a wide range of applications across the process, water, and waste water industries.

Specifications at a glance

Length: Custom up to maximum of 3000mm on continuous level applications.

Switch points: 1 to 5

Process connection: Minimum 50mm screwed (2” BSP), triclover, BSM, or flanged for float insertion.

Resolution: 10mm.


  • Integral temperature measurement
  • Hazardous area approvals