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Electronic monitoring of ova, sperm and embryos in sub zero temperatures

IVF saveris pyrosales testoInfertility is an increasingly common problem amongst people of reproductive age. IVF Australia note that 15% of couples are unable to conceive naturally, either due to medical, genetic, surgical reasons, or for reasons unknown. Technology has assisted and in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) can now assist many affected by infertility.

IVF is the process where an egg is fertilised by the sperm outside of the body. Once fertilised an embryo is created and is gown in culture for up to six days before being transferred into the woman’s uterus.

A critical part of the process is freezing of the eggs, sperm and embryos. Most of the samples cannot be replaced and any loss would be tragic for the clients involved. Samples are to be stored at -196°C. Typically clinic staff must check the depth of the liquid nitrogen and there has been no electronic monitoring devices on the tanks.

To overcome this problem, together with IVF Australia and Testo Pty Ltd, Pyrosales developed the LN2 probe to measure the temperature of the liquid nitrogen. The probe is a critical part of Testo’s automated temperature monitoring system known as Saveris.

The electronic monitoring allows alarms to be set, based on selected criteria, to notify staff if there are critical changes in temperature. This can even be checked remotely. Saveris can measure temperature from -200°C to 1760°C. The system also measures humidity.

Temperature management is critical to ensure the viability of the sperm, ova and embryo. Pyrosales and Testo have worked together to develop a unique temperature measurement system, specific to the customer’s requirements to ensure the specimen are maintained at the correct temperature.